Teacher: Tim Newton
Class Summary: Given the dynamics of current events, this first part of a two-part series will explore the topic of the End Times! In this class, we'll delve into the intriguing and often mysterious and misunderstood topic of what the Bible reveals about the culmination of history. From the vivid imagery of the book of Revelation to prophecies scattered throughout the Old Testament and teachings from the Gospels, we'll explore the various perspectives and interpretations surrounding this important aspect of Christian faith. Whether you're a seasoned student of Scripture or just beginning to explore its depths, join us as we journey together to uncover the truths and promises the Bible offers regarding the end times.
Who is this class for? Adults.
[While all are welcome to attend, however we acknowledge new believers may find the content challenging to follow, but we encourage everyone to join and grow in their understanding at their own pace,  and certainly welcome anyone interested in this fascinating topic to attend!]